Can I be an HVAC technician without going to school?

I was hoping I would end up on a submarine and learn about HVAC while there.

I really wanted to be an HVAC technician one day, but I didn’t like the idea of spending another year of my life in school. I talked to my dad to see what he would suggest, but he couldn’t think of any other way to be an HVAC technician if you didn’t get some kind of training. He told me I could get into my uncle’s HVAC company, but I didn’t want to work for my uncle. I wanted to work for an HVAC company that accepted me on my merit, and not because I was a member of the family. The more I thought about becoming an HVAC technician, the more I knew that was what I wanted to ultimately do with my life. The question was; did I want my life to start now, or did I want to experience life first? I wanted to experience life and find something that would give me a boost in life, and still allow me to get experience. The only thing I wanted to do was join the Navy. I was hoping I would end up on a submarine and learn about HVAC while there. When I found out they had openings for submarine HVAC technicians, I was ready to jump up and cheer. I was finally finding something that would give my life some meaning, and eventually allow me to be an HVAC technician. Five years later, I was out of the Navy and ready to start my life. I was sure I could not just make it as an HVAC technician, but I thought I was prepared to think about starting my own HVAC company.

More information at this link