Been waiting for the weather to cool down

Wow, it took until now for the nights to truly cool down to the point where you have to wear an overcoat.

It’s just been absolutely overheated up until now so I am kind of ecstatic to easily feel some chill in the air seeing that we are already at the start of November.

I honestly have to go to the local corporation today to talk to the people about my Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment and getting it tuned up for the frosty season. I also have to go online this month and buy a plane ticket back home to the states, however I am waiting till I get a flatmate first so I’ll have cash to pay for it. I’m just squeaking by as all of my savings is invested in cryptos. Some people guess I am crazy for dropping $10K into crypto currency, however I know we are at the bottom now and moving up pretty soon. Then I can buy a new space furnace and a new portable AC window unit. I want to get a small AC machine for my room because it costs a lot of money to run my main Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment all night just to cool down a small study room. My room gets hot because it is pretty small and I sleep with the door closed, so it can get absolutely overheated in there if there isn’t any cool air coming in. I guess getting the small mini split cooling equipment is going to absolutely drop my energy bills down a great deal next Summer as it is supposed to be absolutely efficient.

Cooling and heating business