Apartment fire

I live in an cabin complex that is right on the main highway in our town.

I have lived in the building for five years plus two years ago decided that I would buy the equipment I lived in.

It was a tough decision to make, however overall I thought it was worth the currency to finally own my own home. One day I will be able to rent out the equipment when I transport into my first home. Since I decided to buy the unit, everything has worked perfectly. I knew the cabin was reliable because I lived there for three years before purchasing, but, the other day something disappointing happened. I had just gotten cabin from work plus was resting on the couch before I was going to make lunch. All of the sudden I started to smell smoke. I looked around plus saw black smoke coming out of my vents. I didn’t know what to do because I thought there might be an electrical fire in my air vents. I got actually anxious plus called the fire department so they could come out instantly plus put out the fire. The arrived plus put out the fire, I had to called my local Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C serviceman to come plus tell me the cost of fixing my Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C unit. She came out plus told me the equipment could not be fixed however needed to be replaced. I was so worried that I had to buy a whole new Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system plus have all my duct work replaced… Luckily the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation has a repayment plan, so now I will be able to afford the work.


Apartment fire