A Clear Box to Go Over Thermostat To Keep Kids Out

Now that our kids are teenagers, they suppose they understand everything there is to recognize about life! If you question anything they do or try to tell them that they’re wrong, they shut down and immediately stop listening! Recently, our kids have been adjusting the control unit settings because they “aren’t comfortable.” As their mother, I would understand if they were too tepid or too frosty and needed to reasonably adjust the temperature, but that’s never the case, and when our kids change the temperature, they alter it by a minimum of 5 degrees.

5 degrees doesn’t seem to be a lot, but it is when you’re heating and cooling a large house, altering the temperature this much can cause a lot of stress on an actual heating and A/C system, causing it to run efficiently… My wife and I have tried talking to them about how it isn’t wonderful to change the temperature love that, but they continue to do it; then both of us warned them that if they couldn’t stop, then there would be extreme consequences, but that didn’t stop them, however this is when we ordered a clear box to locale around the control unit that could only be opened with a key.

My wife and I hid the key and our kids were furious. There was no way for them to change the control unit settings without knowing where the key was! Neither of us felt disappointed for their inability to change the temperature because we did warn them. Now, there’s nothing for them to alter and we won’t be dealing with that concern anymore. I’d call that a win!

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