Putting a limit on A/C and energy usage due to really hot temperatures

As well as setting the thermostats to a much higher temperature than normal

This past week has been so hot in our town. I was watching the news the other day and our weatherman said that we have been hitting record breaking temperatures for the past three days. Since it’s been so hot I have been taking my children to the community pool to cool down and have some fun to beat the heat. We have been staying cool and staying hydrated to prevent any exhaustion from the humidity and the sun. There was breaking news showing that there was a conference with the governor letting all of the state residents know that they should try to conserve as much energy as possible. The governor also stated that they would be conserving the state offices air conditioning and lights. This is because the electric grid from the state was the highest that it’s ever been in one day. By conserving energy and money due to the amount of people using their air-conditioning system this week, his way of conserving was to turn some of the main lights in the state building off. As well as setting the thermostats to a much higher temperature than normal. The governor did this is so the air-conditioning system in the state building would not turn kick on as much. With the air-conditioning not running to its normal set temperature of 70°, it did certainly save from the power grid saving the state money and possibly a future statewide outage due to the amount of people using their air conditioning system. Luckily we didn’t have ours running all day so we were saving our energy just like governor told us to do.


furnace/heater tune-up