My Kids Are HVAC Softies

I count myself lucky to have been born and raised in the same region that I currently live in.

For one thing, it’s an awesome place to live with all kind of natural beauty to take in daily.

I also like being near to where I grew up and close to where much of my family still live. I can remember when I was a kid, we were so psyched when summer arrived. There was no more school. We just felt so free. This region is really hot during the summer. HVAC was for resting and being able to sleep. As kids, we still wanted to stay outside. There was so much swimming, bike riding and sports to do that we just really didn’t think too awful much about the heat. It sure isn’t like that now. My husband and I both have full time jobs. Our children are now of an age where they can look after themselves pretty much. We have family real close that checks in on them. But, there really isn’t much to check on. My children don’t even leave the house. They hate the heat and have from the time they were real little. We even put in a pool with the hope that they might get outside. The pool stays empty when the heat hits. They stay in the dark with the HVAC cooling to play video games. This is what they want. There is no amount of coaxing that will make them leave their air conditioned habitat. To each his own, I suppose. But, it sure seems like my children are missing out on so much cool stuff.

HVAC for sale