I have so much money I could afford hydronic heating

I live an ideal situation.

I work totally from home and I pay nothing in utilities.

My boyfriend bought the house before I was working a full time job. He told me not to worry that he would do all the bills. Now that I have the money to help, he doesn’t need it. So what I have been doing is just saving the money I am making. I have literally no expenses, I don’t even have a car. The number in my bank account is shockingly high and I don’t know what to do with it. My boyfriend says I should put it away towards retirement. I am thinking of putting it towards the house. The two of us plan to get married and live in the house forever. Why not vamp up our situation a bit? Right now we are relying on a very old boiler system for heating. There is no way it is going to last another five years. I could buy us a really sweet heating device. I have looked into options like hydronic heating, hybrid heating and geothermal heat pumps. They are all quite expensive, but I honestly have the money for it. I am leaning towards hydronic heated floors. It would be a high cost and a lot of work, but the benefits are so numerous. The heat doesn’t rise but rather absorbs into stationary objects. No air is being blown and polluting the air quality or making awful noises. Hydronic heating is very efficient and since it stays at the lower level, the thermostat can be decreased.

Air quality systems