I come from a long line of HVAC technicians

People ask me all the time why I decided to become an HVAC technician.

  • They wonder if I decided to become an HVAC technician because I love working on furnaces and air conditioners.

They ask me if I only decided to become an HVAC technician because I didn’t want to pay for college. They know that HVAC trade schools will pay you to learn how to become an HVAC technician. They ask if I just found an opening and decided that being an HVAC technician would be a good enough job for the downtime. While all of those are good reasons to become an HVAC technician, the honest truth is that I became an HVAC technician because it was the only thing that I knew how to do. I come from a very long line of HVAC technicians. My dad was an HVAC technician, and his dad was an HVAC technician, and his dad was an HVAC technician. All of my uncles and great-uncles are HVAC technicians. I grew up working on furnaces and air conditioners like you grew up doing chores around the house. When most kids were building towns out of legos, I was putting a furnace back together to use in our house. When I graduated from high school, I had a definite path to become an HVAC technician, and it would require very little training. I had spent my entire childhood working on HVAC units, and I didn’t see a good reason to stop being an HVAC technician. So if you are wondering, that is why I am an HVAC technician.

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