Wrong answer to my questions

Did you ever type in a simple question on Google, Bing, or other search engine only to find sites that were not helpful.

I made that mistake last summer time when I typed, “Why isn’t my air cold?”. Thinking back, this was honestly a bad question but you wouldn’t think the sites that popped up. I got everything from weather information to climate change sites. I needed to be more particular and ask about air conditioner. I typed, “Why isn’t my cooling system blowing freezing air?”. Then I was closer to finding the answer but the first two pages of my search were for Heating, Ventilation, and A/C service and sales. Then, I went a step further and typed in DIY fixes for Heating, Ventilation, and A/C unit that wasn’t laboring. I finally got to some helpful hints and fixes that I could do myself before calling in a professional. It is amazing how exact you need to be when searching for something online. This is because websites use keywords to attract buyers and viewers to their sites. There are so many words that can be buddyd with searched on Heating, Ventilation, and A/C systems and you need to be honestly particular periodically to get the answer you are looking for. In other cases, like needed a local service person, you can simply put in something like, “Main Street, Anytown, USA, and Heating, Ventilation, and A/C repair”, this will more than likely bring up something you are looking for. However, beware of the paid advertisements that are located at the top of each page because these may not be in your area. This information helped me understand educated seb searches and I hope it helps you too.

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