When my brother got the call in the middle of the night last week, it changed his life forever! His child had been in a horrible accident plus had been taken to the local emergency room.
He called me up to see if I would go with him as he felt it was unsafe for him to drive in his up-to-date state.
I rushed over to option him up plus my friend and I headed to the hospital; Road conditions were horrible as my friend and I were in the middle of a large snowstorm but my friend and I made it to the hospital rather hastily, he ran to check on my niece while I spoke with the officer waiting for us. Apparently, my niece’s motorcar had slid off the road plus down an embankment. The officer said that if it hadn’t been for another motorcar seeing the accident, she may not have been found until morning! This was a terrifying thought as she would have frozen to death separate from heat in the car, and i thanked the officer plus then waited for my brother to return with news. The waiting section was practically empty so I settled in plus watched the news on TV. I noticed hastily that the section was genuinely warm plus wondered if that was normal for a hospital. It had regularly been my thought that they kept these areas rather cool to avoid the spread of germs. When I inquired about the temperature the nurse said that they were trying to compensate for the freezing uneven temperatures plus make people feel better while waiting. I was ecstatic when my brother finally came out to say that my niece was banged up but would be fine. I was also ecstatic when he said he was going to stay but that I could head condo because I didn’t want to hang out in that boiling waiting room anymore.