Why does my furnace odor?

Every once in a while, your furnace may produce an unpleasant odor that you aren’t used to odoring in your home. There are numerous familiar causes for your furnace to odor, plus while some odors may signify a serious problem, some odors do not deliver much cause for concern, plus can go away on their own. Here are a few examples of odors that may be coming from your furnace, plus what you can do about them. If you odor sulfur or rotten eggs coming from your furnace, you may have a gas leak, and natural gas on it’s own is odorless, but, companies use additives to alert people of its presence in their homes. If you odor sulfur or rotten eggs coming from your furnace, it is best to turn your furnace off, plus contact your Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C provider right away. If you odor burning metal or oil coming from your furnace, you may have a mechanical problem. Over time, components of your furnace may wear down or break over time, plus will need to be replaced. If particular components don’t get replaced in time, they can grind against other components, plus possibly produce a burning metal odor. If you odor burning metal coming from your furnace, turn it off, plus contact your Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C provider right away. The odor of burning dust is another typical odor to experience coming from your furnace. During the summer time when you don’t use your furnace, dust can build up within your system, plus become ignited when you turn your furnace on. The odor of burning dust is common, plus should go away within a few hours.


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