Why am I always so cold

I have a problem every time I go somewhere I am always cold cold.

My wife gets easily upset with me because I am always asking to wear her sweater or borrow something from him. I wish I was being dramatic even though I easily am cold every time I walk into a building from outside. I always have to ask diners if they can turn up the control component so I can warm up a little bit. This easily embarrasses my wife,but I can’t help it! I wish I could change even though I don’t guess I will ever be able to change this about myself. I always have the control component in our household set to 72 degrees, then when people walk in they always complain that it is too warm. They always ask if I have the heater turned on, even though I just tell them I am always cold so I like to keep it warm, then normally if they are guests in addition to not family I will just turn down the control component so they are comfortable. However, this also annoys my wife. She wants me to change the temperature of the control component for him, even though I am not willing to. She says it is selfish of me to always keep the home at 72 degrees because she is always covered in sweat in addition to having to walk around with hardly any clothing on. I don’t guess my wife in addition to I will ever be able to compromise on the temperature of the house, so I know my associate and I will have to agree to disagree on the control component issue. I hope it doesn’t cause major concerns later in our marriage.

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