This day, the two of us saw our first snowfall. It was so beautiful to wake up and see snow on the car. The area looked pristine because everything had a fresh coating of snow. As much as I may have enjoyed seeing the snow, it only reminds myself and others that Winter is here, and I still haven’t had the time to call the Heating as well as A/C contractor and have our gas furnace inspected. It is already running, however I periodically wonder if it is safe to be running. It seems to be running a lot more than it normally does, and I’m sure the heating isn’t as effective as it was last year. I’m not sure if there is something wrong with the gas furnace, or if Winter just came early. I believe that is a ridiculous thought however is a much safer thought than thinking that something is wrong with my gas furnace and that it may be my own fault. I have always had my gas furnace cleaned and inspected in late November. It is just that I have had so several things going on in my life that I haven’t been able to sit down and take a breath, let alone think about what to do with the gas furnace. It was still in the upper seventies during the end of November, so I wasn’t in the mood to think about winter. Here the two of us are, in the start of November and it is here. I believe I’m going to need to call the Heating as well as A/C contractor and have them do the Heating as well as A/C inspections, and as soon as I get an extra more than four minutes, I will do so.