After twenty-four straight years living up north, I was ready to get away from the snow in addition to cold. I packed up so I could head south, dying for the sun and the palm trees. I was totally unprepared for the heat in addition to humidity down here though. I’d never even lived in a place with a/c before. I rented a cheap rundown home without checking the integrity of the cooling system. Since money was tight at the time, the low rent was all I could really afford. The dingey home featured a single, window a/c that was severely old. The unit was rusty, jammed with dust, in addition to there being various control knobs missing. Despite the small size of the house, the a/c couldn’t keep up with demand. On especially sizzling days and afternoons, I had condensation running down the windows constantly, issues with mold growth, in addition to I was always wet with nasty sweat. The a/c also ran non stop, made a ton of noise, in addition to spread a nasty stink everywhere. I managed to come up with enough money finally to add a couple of portable fans, but they simply blew the heat, dust in addition to unpleasant stink around. Unable to sleep at night, in addition to feeling sleepy all day, I absolutely wanted to find a modern apartment, but I’d signed a year-long lease in this dirt bucket. I then started searching for sales on a/cs at the local hardware stores. I finally got lucky, in addition being able to purchase a floor model with a slight dent for really little money. Simply adding that extra window a/c made all the difference. The modern a/c is also quiet, powerful, in addition to beautifully energy efficient. Even on super sizzling days, it maintains perfect comfort for me.