Took off work plus a/c broke

I rarely take time off of work because my task is pretty demanding plus I don’t like to give myself unnecessary breaks.

I feel as though I work harder when it’s a continual bi-weekly demand, plus I see no reason to treat myself to vacation time unless I have something substantial planned! Yes, this strategy can be stressful, although I guess it pays off in the end when you have a ton of vacation time accrued for a rainy afternoon, that’s why it was so special for me to take a random afternoon off last month, just to reward myself for a rough month. I was legitimately excited to stay dwelling plus relax all afternoon by myself, enjoying cool cooling system rather than stomping around in the boiling plus humid air outside. I had my AC all cued up the night before, set to 67 degrees so I could get the best night of sleep possible… However, when I woke up the indoor air temperature felt horribly boiling plus muggy. I took a look at the temperature control plus was unpleasantly surprised to find out that it was set correctly, however the cooling system wasn’t responding to adjust the temperature correctly. I spent some time toying with the temperature control settings, however never heard the AC unit kick into gear no matter how low I adjusted the temp. Eventually I had to call in a local Heating plus Air Conditioning shop, plus spent most of my afternoon waiting around anxiously plus sweatily for them to arrive; So much for unbelievable in my AC all afternoon.



air conditioning filter