I have a job that I totally hate with a passion, but there is no other work out there. So I am stuck with this junk. I work at an answering service for some real low class fast food joints. And when I say low class, we are talking the lowest in the universe…you’d have to live it to believe it! It’s sheer hell! But, what makes this job even worse, as if that was not enough, is that the air conditioning system does not work right in the call center! The air conditioning in the building is so old and was never updated to the current heating and cooling technology. The air conditioning hardly cools the place during the hot summer time months. Also, the little it does cool things, the entire building is muggy. I am afraid to complain to the idiot managers about the bad air conditioning because knowing them, they would fire me just for saying something about their old broken down air conditioning system. I do need this awful job, so I keep my mouth shut. Until I find another job, I just have to suffer with the really bad air conditioning system in this call center building. I have thought about secretly reporting this lack of air conditioning to the BBB or something along those lines. But I am not sure. There has to be someone I can report this bad air conditioning at the job to. I am just glad that in my own home, I have a brand new and very up to date heating and air conditioning system! I spent a fortune on it back when I had good money.