My daughter is obsessed with candy corn. It’s her absolute favorite candy and she waits all year for the fall season to roll around just so that she can find it in all the stores. She actually tries to stockpile it under her bed in her room so that she can have it year round. Well, last year, she had a big stash of candy corn in a plastic bag under her bed. This was all well and good until our dog snuck into her room and ripped open the bag. Then the dog got the bag tangled around his leg and dragged it through the house and down the stairs. There was candy corn everywhere, including inside our heating and air conditioning vents. The candy corn in the A/C vents wasn’t actually a big deal because the only air coming out of there was cooling the house off. But when the temperatures outside dropped and we had to turn on the furnace, it was a different story! It turns out that when you turn the furnace on and the heating comes rushing through the heating vents, it melts the candy corn. I guess we should have thought about this before and had our ventilation system cleaned out. As it turns out, we had to call the HVAC company downtown to come and do a complete air duct cleaning because candy corn ended up melting and running down inside all of our air vents! It was such a sticky mess but at least it smelled nice and sweet whenever the furnace kicked on.