The space heater is too powerful

I just bought a portable space heater and I have to say that it is way too powerful! I have had the older portable space heaters which were less powerful and could have used more.

But these new portable space heaters are just way too much for me! I nearly had a heat stroke while running the portable space heater in my bedroom while I was sleeping.

I was trying to save money on energy use by getting the portable space heater in the first place. But what I ended up with was something that nearly killed me! I went and returned the portable space heater to the store I bought it telling them that it was way too powerful. I had to argue to get them to take it back and give me a refund, but they finally did. I will not buy another portable space heater ever again after this bad experience that I had with it. I am just going to have to deal with the higher electric bills when it gets real cold outside. At least by having my central heating and air conditioning system’s heater heating my house, I can control it totally from my smart thermostat and never have to worry about it getting way too hot. The portable space heater was something else. I do not know if it is just me or if everyone has similar experiences. Maybe I just didn’t know how to use it right, who knows? But the point here is that I will never be buying another portable space heater for my bedroom as long as I live!
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