The flu

There has been a bad flu going around for a couple of months now.

It is knocking out all the people I know as well as I am trying my best not to get sick.

I don’t want to have to miss work or anything like that. When my youngsters get in the motorcar I make sure to have them wipe of their hands as well as faces so they don’t bring any germs apartment with them. However, as difficult as I tried, I could not keep the flu from coming into our apartment as well as within two afternoons our whole home was sick. No one could leave bed as well as we were all coughing as well as sneezing. My hubby had the worst case as well as I ended up having to drive him to the hospital. The nurse said he would be out of work for at least three weeks. I cherish my hubby but when he gets sick he starts to act like a child. Worst of all he makes me keep the control component in the home set to sixty-five degrees all afternoon long. The youngsters as well as I are freezing to death because the air conditioning is blasting, but my hubby enjoys it. He would have the air conditioning set to sixty if I would let him. However, I hate the freezing as well as I wish we had the heating system running. I hate being sick, but being sick as well as freezing is the worst feeling in the world to me. I suppose I will have to endure the air conditioning while my hubby gets better as well as hope he doesn’t get used to the control component being set so low.

air conditioning repair