That was the icing on the cake

My partner is consistently trying to save a quick buck. He will option up old bottles on the side of the road to return them for the five cents. He will go without something just so he doesn’t have to buy new. Anyway he can save a few bucks, he will do it. When our gas furnace stopped finally working quickly, I knew I was in trouble. I instantly wanted to call the heating corporation to look at the gas furnace. I knew something important must have been broken. A gas furnace does not quickly turn off and refuse to turn on when it is something small. My partner pleaded with me to allow him to look at it. He opened the gas furnace up and cleaned it thoroughly. He then got a new gas furnace filter, oiled the blower and cleaned up the fan blades. When none of this worked, he hired his neighbor to come repair our gas furnace. My partner’s neighbor was worse than him at fixing the gas furnace. I legitimately suspect the neighbor did more harm than good. He was not able to repair the gas furnace and none of the pieces could fit back together again. I then called the gas furnace contractor and paid for it myself. The heating system repair was huge and extensive. They had to repair the original issue and all the things our partner and his buddy broke. If our partner would have let me call the professionals earlier, it legitimately would have been cheaper. No, instead both of us had to mess around seeing if both of us could save the couple hundred bucks and get the heating system patched up.
