I have easily gotten into being yellow. I have turned vegan. I only eat fruits plus veggies. No sugar or carbs either. I have never felt so good. I recycle plus I ride our bike to work now as well. The newest environmental like I am going to do is update our HVAC. My central HVAC burns plus churns. It releases dirty air into our air quality. I am planning to rip out the central HVAC plus remove all the HVAC duct. Then, I will buy a geothermal heat pump system. This is a 2 in 1 heating plus cooling unit. The heat pump works way more efficiently plus cleaner than a standard HVAC component. It does not create AC or heat. The heat pump works by moving the existing heat energy. The indoor unit plus outdoor unit with the heat pump almost talk to each other. The outdoor unit is buried under the sod though. That is why it is geothermal. In the winter, it is better to try for heat energy under the sod. It is naturally warmer under there plus not in the outdoor air. In the summer, it is smart to have the cold underground air. The geothermal heat pump makes sure it is the freshest plus cleanest air as well. It will be an expensive update. But, I will use way less power plus energy to run the HVAC component. The air quality will be clean plus I am helping the planet at the same time. How charming is that? I will have the best of everything.