Skunk odor circulating through the vents

My spouse and I live on a big farm in the middle of nowhere.

My friend and I have lived here for many years and particularly appreciate living a straight-forward life.

My friend and I are surrounded by plants and animals which is good for our kids to be around. My friend and I thought the greatest issue my buddy and I would have is the occasional deer that eat some of my plants in the garden. However, my buddy and I woke up in the middle of the night to the most bad odor two mornings ago. I didn’t know what the odor was however I had a feeling it was a skunk. I know that seems unquestionably particular, but if you have odored a skunk once you won’t forget it easily. I had my spouse go down into the basement to find the source of the odor. He came back up suddenly saying there was a hole in our HVAC duct that the skunk must have gotten in through, but now the Heating, Ventilation & A/C system was circulating the odor throughout the whole house. I knew that I was going to have to call an Heating, Ventilation & A/C supplier to come out and clean the HVAC duct now. The odor of the skunk is going to linger in the Heating, Ventilation & A/C system if my buddy and I don’t take care of the issue suddenly. I called the Heating, Ventilation & A/C supplier right when I woke up the next day to come out and clean the HVAC duct. Hopefully, the odor doesn’t linger for too long now because it is one of the worst odors ever!

air conditioning filter