Office morale utterly changed with Heating, Ventilation plus A/C replace

This new guy means business and I’m just so thankful I held on here until he got on board. I’ve worked for the same business since I got out of college. Sure, I need the paycheck just appreciate everyone else. But I also legitimately like this business, what it stands for and what it’s trying to do in this world. These qualities kept me here through a phase of bad management and even worse heating and cooling. The state of the commercial Heating, Ventilation plus A/C was also the responsibility of that poor management. The guy I came to work for retired about 5 years ago. He was a great man, a fantastic leader and did all he could for us and this business. His replacement was a fraud. This guy got the position by faking out everyone inside the zone controlled Heating, Ventilation plus A/C of the loft office. And when he got here, it was pretty obvious that he didn’t have a clue as to just what he was doing. But I gave him a pass as there are growing pains for everyone when it comes to leading. Still, it just got worse and worse. The money earmarked for commercial Heating, Ventilation plus A/C replaces were instead siphoned off to make our losses look better. It was just a single thing after another and the morale of our office tanked. Thankfully, corporate finally got it figured out. Two weeks ago, a team of folks from the loft office showed up and ushered the entire management team out of the building. The guy the people I was with and I have now is sharp, kind and on his game. It didn’t take a week before he gave all of us a Friday off so the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C business could come out and replace the commercial Heating, Ventilation plus A/C equipment.
heating device