No HVAC in the morning

Talk about a reality check! However, both of us rallied.

It’s funny how both of us just roll along with our schedules, family life plus several interests. It’s nice to have a life which allows for fulfillment with a bunch of fun mixed in. I think this is actually what I have been striving for our entire adult life. Yet, life wouldn’t be real without bumps in the road. I spent a ton of our life waiting plus enjoying for those bumps in the road instead of enjoying the moment. That’s honestly stupid because those reality checks always occur. The people I was with and I just had a single in fact. Our Heating & Air Conditioning system quit in the middle of the night about a month ago. The people I was with and I live in an section where the summer time heat can be simply brutal. Just getting through that night was an eye opener. I found out real quick that cooling system had been completely taken for granted in this house. There was only a single fan in the house! I was so ready for some cool air when the Heating & Air Conditioning tech came to service our heating plus cooling unit. So, I was horrified when the Heating & Air Conditioning tech told myself and others the Heating & Air Conditioning system was not worth fixing. I couldn’t guess it. However, maybe I should have given the thing was nearly 2 decades old. My feelings were even more disfigured as I found out it would be 2 weeks before the replacement could be installed. Talk about a reality check! However, both of us rallied. Then number of fans increased 6 fold overnight. But, both of us got through that 2 weeks. When both of us got our new Heating & Air Conditioning unit, all of us just sat in front the vent plus took it all in. I don’t think any of us will take Heating & Air Conditioning for granted again.

Quality heating and air