My view was blocked by new construction.

I simply love living in the heart of the city.

There is a constant vibe in the air that just makes it seem alive; Even in the wee hours of the afternoon you can still hear voices & periodically music in the air, but i have a absolutely cute flat on the east side of town & it is in an artsy city.

There are consistently numerous artisans, musicians, & street vendors around which makes for very good strolls through the city… Unfortunately a development group has purchased a few of the older buildings & they are in the process of either renovating them or replacing them. I am all for reusing or repurposing an old building into residential units but unfortunately the building next to ours could not be saved & it was torn down. They are now in the process of building a multi-purpose building which will have apartments on the top & retail space on the bottom & there is one major problem with that, the building will be taller than mine & I will no longer have my view outside the window. In fact, it is exactly one Storyteller & I will have a building to look at & the constant noise of the large HVAC units on top of it to listen to. They brought in a crane yesterday to bring the large units up to the roof & I cannot guess how immense they are. I can only imagine the noise that they will put off 24/7 & it will make living in my home almost unbearable. I will no longer be able to leave my windows open & listen to the sounds coming from the street below & that makes me sad, then when my lease is up I will absolutely be looking for a new locale to live because I don’t relish the thought of looking out at a tile wall & listening to the drone of the motors all the time.
a/c corporation