My siblings took weird university classes

All three of my siblings went to college and received degrees, and I am quite proud of them.

  • That said, they received degrees in things I don’t even understand what the point is.

I can see if they went to veterinary college, or accounting college, but none of the three received any sort of real world, applicable skills. They just l received… stuff. My sibling Janet studied Classic Literature, our older sibling Mark got a degree in Humanities, and baby sibling Elmer went for a 6 year masters degree in ancient history. All I did was go to night classes in HVAC science, and I walked away with a way to make money and no crippling student debt. I understand that they pursued an education in things that interested them. Since making money interested me, l received a fancy HVAC repair skill set. Making money requires having a skill set that is in demand. My repairs are fixing gas furnaces and cooling systems suddenly, and for a fair price. This is skilled labor, you see, unlike cutting the turf or power washing the house, not everyone can figure their way around a high tech HVAC system. You have to take some classes, of course, do the respected training, and get your HVAC certification, so it’s not exactly handed to you. The point is that for a few thousand bucks you can get that HVAC certification and be set for your work, or spend a hundred thousand bucks to be unemployed. If they go and get certified maybe I will hire them to work for me.

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