My part is too freezing for a traditional heat pump

I looked up efficient Heating and Air Conditioning units online and found many fantastic things about heat pumps. A ductless heat pump runs smarter than any other Heating and Air Conditioning unit. It simply takes existing heat energy rather than creates it with fuel. It finds the heated air outside and pumps it indoors for a heating effect. If you own a geothermal heat pump, it does the underground warmer temperature, for cooling, the heated air inside is pumped outside for a cool effect. You get cleaner air consistently circulating in the home. It is a truly yellow way to supply temperature control. The heat pump is said to pay back itself in a few months. I wasn’t afraid of the high upfront cost. I wasn’t afraid of digging up my yard for a geothermal system. Sadly I realized that a heat pump can only work if there is heat energy to find. I live in the north where the weather gets into the disadvantages. A heat pump can only supply heat as low as 40 degree weather. I did find something else though. I could combine a gas heating system with the heat pump for a dual fuel system. The system would run the heat pump basically all year long. When the weather drops below 40 degrees, that is when the system changes to gas and the heating system tags in. So I would get an efficient Heating and Air Conditioning device working most of the year. I am not sure how I feel about the two systems. Technically the way it is installed it is a single unit. I could just get a central Heating and Air Conditioning device and call it a afternoon though.

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