My kids begged myself and others to go to the zoo last week

This just so happened to be around the same time that we were over by the monkey cages and so the odor was just terrible

My kids begged and begged myself and others to take them to the zoo Last year when the weather finally started heating up. I personally don’t adore going to the zoo because I don’t adore being outside. I’m an inside kind of girl. I just adore being inside because I adore our air conditioner in the summer time and I adore our heating to be just right in the winter. I just adore a consistent temperature in our home, and wherever else I might happen to be! Whenever you’re at the zoo, you definitely cannot control the temperature or the heating and the cooling that they might have inside the exhibits. I do not like feeling out of control when it comes to the indoor air conditions around me. Plus, I do not like being outside whenever it’s too overheated or too cold. I guess I’m just one of those spoiled people who could never live without central heating and cooling! Once in a while, though, I will let our kids talk myself and others into going anywhere adore the zoo. I finally gave in and took them down there although I didn’t adore the fact that it was just too hot in some places, however the rapidly changing temperatures really started heating up around lunchtime. This just so happened to be around the same time that we were over by the monkey cages and so the odor was just terrible. I told the kids that I was done with being outside and so we ended up going into the polar bear area, which is air conditioned year round. Maybe I’m more closely related to the polar bears than to the monkeys!


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