My husband likes the house to be super warm

I never thought that I would fight over the temperature of my house.

My husband and I truly have a wonderful relationship.

We very rarely argue, and our arguments never last long or get very heated. We try our best to think of each other’s desires and needs above our own. It has made marriage absolutely wonderful. There is one thing that we constantly bicker about though, and that is the temperature of our house. I like the house to be around sixty-five degrees. I do not mind if it is closer to seventy, but I really do not prefer it to be over seventy degrees in my house. My husband on the other hand prefers the house to be at least seventy-five degrees. Growing up, his parents kept their house quite warm, so I think that is probably why my husband likes the house to be so warm. I just cannot stand to be that warm in the house because I start to sweat, and it is uncomfortable to me. I usually keep the house at my prefered temperature during the day, and my husband turns up the thermostat when he gets home from work. I have a fan blowing directly in my face while I am in bed to try and keep myself cool, but it does not always work. It is really quite hard for me to sleep when the house is so warm, but it is hard for my husband to sleep when it is cooler. I try not to complain about it though because he works longer hours than I do, and I know that I can take a nap during the day if I need to whereas he cannot.



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