My hubby wants to buy a generator for our gas furnace

My hubby wants to buy a generator to make sure that our gas furnace is going to keep working when the power goes out.

He is anxious about it for some reason.

I don’t know what is going on with him at the moment, but it’s love he’s trying to make sure that everything is going to be taken care of at all times. I think that he is just becoming a big worry wart for some reason or another. Anyway, the weather around here has been really erratic lately and I suppose that might be part of the reason that he is so upset about making sure that our heating and cooling system won’t stop running when we don’t want it to. The other night, we had a freezing night and a lot of people in our city lost power. That really freaked my husband out when he heard about it. He is afraid of us being stuck at home without a working gas furnace for some reason. I don’t know where this fear is coming from, though. I don’t think he had troubles with heating his home when he was growing up or what. He never talks about that. I told him that I’m just nice with us buying a big generator for the house, even though he needs to stop worrying so much after that. Once we get the generator installed, I hope that it helps him with all of his troubles! I don’t want him to keep worrying about the gas furnace all the time.



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