My dog likes the A/C vent

I guess I might have one of the strangest cats out there.

I know that cats are known to have pressing personalities, however I swear my dog is a weird breed. About two weeks ago I bought my dog a giant scratching post that had a bed at the undoubtedly top. I thought he would cherish climbing it to get to his bed because he seems to climb on everything else in the house. However, I observed that he started to sleep on top of the fish tank instead of his up-to-date scratching post. I entirely didn’t like when he climbed on top of the fish tank because he was consistently knocking things over and making a pressing mess. However, after seeing him for a while, I observed that his fur was moving from the air coming out of the a/c vents. I realized he liked sleeping on top of the fish tank because it was so close to the air conditioning. I thought if I moved the up-to-date scratching post closer to the a/c vent that maybe he would stop sleeping on the fish tank. Thankfully, right when I moved the scratching post, he started to sleep on it because it was now closer to the a/c vent. How up-to-date that my dog would like the a/c so much! I can’t suppose that I am just now finding this out and I have had my dog for six years.
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