I have decided that I am going to transfer to a big city. I want a change of pace from my small southern city and I suppose that a town will be perfect. I am happy for a new adventure and I easily want to make a new life for myself. I have been living in that small southern city for way too long and I just easily want something different. I don’t suppose anyone in the new town I am moving too and it will be a great opportunity for myself and others to get out there and meet some new people too. I suppose my parents are distraught that I am leaving, although I am so happy I can’t contain it. I have been doing a lot of shopping lately to prepare for my big move. The weather in my new town is legitimately cold and I don’t own a lot of cold weather clothing at all. I suppose it will be nice to change up my wardrobe too. While I am happy for my move, there is 1 thing that makes myself and others easily worried and that is the weather. I have never lived in a town that has an actual Winter time season and I have never seen snow before either. My parents house doesn’t have a heating idea of any kind, they don’t even have a area gas furnace just in case. I suppose that I am going to have to learn how to job a furnace and that is not going to be fun, although I suppose it will just become a section of my new life now!