Massage Therapist Opens Her Own Spa

I have been going to a certain massage therapist for many years now. I do not get to go as often as I would like to, but I go a few times a year, and I like the girl I use. Of course, with the pandemic situation, I wasn’t getting massages at all. So it has been well over a year since I have had my massage. I have a couple of chronic health conditions that cause me chronic pain, and sometimes I have flare-ups, so when I go that long without a good deep massage, it is not fun for me. So, not long ago, I decided, this is it. I am getting a massage, and I don’t care about the stupid virus. So, I went to their website, and lo and behold I discovered that my massage therapist was not there anymore! I only knew her first name, so I had my doubts, but I was able to stalk her at her new place. She had opened her own spa at her house! I went today, and it is beautiful. Her husband put in a separate HVAC unit for the space. There is heating and cooling that comes with its own bill so they can easily take it off their taxes. There is no commingling of heating and cooling. Also, that is good because the spas tend to use heating more often. They use heating blankets and have little heating equipment to put their towels in. If the little spa did not have separate space and walls as well as separate heating, the a/c in the living portion of their house would always be fighting against the heating in the massage rooms. Her spa is great and I wish her the best!
Smart HVAC