Just a little wash goes a long way

I can not begin to tell you how impressed I am with these new washable air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system that I just bought. I had not even heard of washable air filters until my local, friendly and very helpful heating and air conditioning specialist told me about them. I wasn’t sure what to think because the concept of washable air filters sounded very far fetched. Like too good to be true. I was thinking why would they make washable air filters? Because that would save the consumer money in not having to keep going out and buying regular air filters every few months. I don’t know, but these washable air filters are great! I can use each washable air filter up to three times before I have to get another. And you can bet it has saved me a lot of money since I have started using washable air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system. The washable air filters look pretty much the same as regular air filters, but you just wash them when they are used up instead of throwing them away like you would with the regular air filters. I can not tell you how much I love washable air filters. They are the best invention in a long time when it comes to central heating and air conditioning systems! I am never going back to buying regular air filters ever again no matter what! It’s washable air filters for me now and for the future!
air conditioning workman