It’s not exciting to require emergency HVAC services in the midst of the night

There is just nothing more terrible than being awakened in the middle of the night.

My heart is beating like crazy and I’m totally disoriented while scrambling to figure out what is going on in my dwelling.

I have made it clear to all those who I call friends and family. Don’t be trying to get a hold of me after 10pm unless there is a very serious emergency taking place. I’ve had to drop the hammer on my youngsters as well. Don’t be waking your mother with every little bump in the night. So, I was blasted out of bed last night by a severe bump in the night. My gas furnace was shutting down with an enormous thud which nearly shook the whole dwelling. Nobody in our beach dwelling slept through it. I diagnosed the gas furnace and it was definitely in need of some pressing help. I dialed the emergency line for the heating and cooling professionals we deal with. It was incredibly nippy so there was no waiting until the morning. In fact, by the time the HVAC appliance tech got to us the beach house temperature was dipping into the upper forties. Our certified heating and cooling guy was able to locate the problem suddenly. A valve switch had burned out however lucky for us, the gas furnace shut down before it caused some major damage. The HVAC tech was able to update the part and get the gas furnace up and running within an hour of him showing up. The beach dwelling was warming and I was glad to get back in bed. Then he provided me the bill. Yet, another reason there is never anything nice happening after midnight.

Heat pump repair