It’s nearly here

My favorite time of the year is just around the corner.

And that is the fall months of the year! I always look forward to the fall because it makes it so that I do not even have to think about heating or air conditioning.

My central heat and a/c unit does not have to be used at all for about 2 months! Also in addition to the temperatures being perfect this time of the year where I live, the air quality is even better. I have a whole home air purification system in my central heat and a/c unit which I paid a lot of money for. And when I run the whole home air purification system it makes my energy bills so much higher than just running the central heating and cooling unit by itself. So this time of the year because the air quality outside is perfect and natural, I also do not even need to turn on my whole home air purification system. Because the air quality that mother nature has given us can come right through the open windows in my house and it is actually way better than any air purifier can provide. Natural air quality is the best way to go with good air quality. I wish it was like this all year round. But unfortunately when it gets super hot in the summer this adds to the bad air quality and makes it get pretty rough. But that is where the whole home air purification system comes in. If I could have the fall air quality all the time it would be awesome.


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