It’s a real challenge to go from perfect warmth to extreme cold

There are afternoons where just a short while outside can make your face feel like it might freeze off and I try to spend as little time as possible out in the elements

If you ask anyone who lives in the Northeast you will learn that the dire temperature swings can be especially taxing to live with. I like it when I am vacationing anywhere and the temperatures are in the 60s because people are dressed basically like it is Wintertime time and I am in shorts! They often remark that I must be used to the chilly temperatures but they have no clue what we deal with up north. The lot of us do experience extremely chilly Winter Times that last a long time but we also have stifling hot warm seasons. The temperature in my hometown can reach well into the 90s with completely high humidity and that can be taxing to live with also… During the Wintertime when the temperatures are well below zero at least we have powerful Heating and A/C machines to keep our residences sizzling throughout that time. For me, the hardest thing really is leaving a perfectly warmed area and going to another. My car is parked outside so I am actually forced to leave my comfortable residence and head out to scrape the snow and ice off of it before I can get on my way. The first thing I do is open the driver’s door and start the engine so that the heating machine can start warming up the inside of the car. There are afternoons where just a short while outside can make your face feel like it might freeze off and I try to spend as little time as possible out in the elements. I pretty much run from my heated home, to my heated car, and into my heated office. It never fails that the blast of chilly air that I acquired in between can be quite painful. People in the South have no concept of what it feels to go from the heat out into such extreme cold.

indoor air quality