It was too much

I had bought an electric fireplace.

And while it looked easily nice and was great to decorate during the holiday, the heating coming from the electric fireplace was a bit too much.

I remember when I first put it on I nearly died because it made the bedroom way too hot. And this was with it being chilly frosty outside! So I decided to just keep the electric fireplace for decoration in our bedroom and not use it as a source of heating. I am not sure if all electric fireplaces are enjoy this. But the 1 I had bought was. So I used just our central gas furnace to get the gas furnace going in our home. The electric fireplace is still a good investment and nice looking. For that alone it is worth the price. Especially at the holidays. It gives that nostalgic feel of an authentic fireplace enjoy I had growing up and you can decorate it just the same. It just will not have santa coming down the chimney. I do suggest getting an electric fireplace if you can afford to do so, just be prepared to maybe use it as decoration rather than a heating device for your bedroom. However you should try it out and see if the heating is too much as it was for me or not. It may be a combo of how our house is built or it may have been the brand of electric fireplace I had being too powerful for the smaller bedroom and apartment I have.


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