It killed myself and others when I l gained our cousin killed himself

I was genuinely saddened when I l gained our cousin killed himself. Every one of us were genuinely close when all of us were younger as all of us would always visit everybody in our family through the years. I remember our cousin saying she was going to ask her parents for a window air conditioning system machine because it was always way too warm in her room. She said it was hard for him to focus on her studies in addition to it was even more challenging to get good sleep at night without good temperature control settings. Her parents didn’t even have a central cooling system, just a couple of air conditioning system units, one in the dining room in addition to one in her parents’ room. They never did get him a window air conditioning system machine for her room. Also, I observed that she became genuinely depressed over the years. Eventually I couldn’t even talk to him any longer. She didn’t seem to want to talk to anybody. She always complained how everybody was too fake in addition to she just didn’t want to make any relationships. She did get involved with a young lady too before she became too far gone. She ended up cheating on him in addition to this genuinely broke her heart. I genuinely know that it was a combination of all kinds of stressful things in her life that caused him to ultimately take her own life. It genuinely is a sad thing in addition to I wish she was still here so I could talk to him again. I miss talking with him about things. It was even just fun enjoyable while shooting some pool or playing darts.


gas fireplace