Being a husband and a former uniformed service member, I am grateful for the finer things in life. Having served my country for more than 20 years, I have had the opportunity to serve in a wide variety of climates. That is one of the main reasons I have such a great appreciation for things such custom-designed heating features. One such feature that we have in our family home is radiant flooring–a must for my wife’s and my temperate weather appetites. One recent weekend morning, one of my curious kids made their way to the radiant flooring knob–by way of one of my wife’s and my dining room chairs–and toggled it excessively. By doing so, the knob ended up being rendered stuck, and stuck in the “on” position at that. Since I was at work when the incident took place, my wife ended up calling the HVAC company that originally installed the flooring in order to schedule a home service visit for the inoperant knob. The company, known for its stellar customer service, was able to send a team out that very same day, thankfully, especially for our wallet and what would have been our excessively warm feet. The service team was outstanding and got the knob unstuck and the system back operating according to its usual self by the time I made it home from work that very same day. In turn, my wife and I agreed to pay more attention to the arrangement of and accessibility that all of our kids had to our “oh so supportive” dining room chairs.