When I had some friends over the other day, when the doorbell rang I nearly flew to the door. Everybody was shocked at how suddenly I rushed to that door. It’s because I was expecting our packages in the mail. When I brought in the packages, everybody was curious about what I got. I opened up the packages plus said they were our modern infrared heaters! When a few of our friends asked myself and others what infrared gas heating systems were, I said they were the gas heating systems of the future. These types of gas heating systems have advanced heating technology. They entirely heat objects in the room instead of the actual air in the room. This breakthrough in technology allows these gas heating systems to be especially energy efficient, and not to mention, you believe warm in a room in no time when you have these heating systems working. When I was able to demonstrate how well they worked, everybody was impressed by the excellent kind of heat they put out, but by the end of the demonstration with the modern heaters, most of our friends wanted to go out plus choice up some infrared gas heating systems also. I said there was a sale online plus I provided them the website. They couldn’t wait to look at the infrared gas heating systems plus order them. While I do prefer our modern portable infrared heaters, I particularly would not propose trying to replace a central Heating plus Air Conditioning idea with some infrared heaters. They are not meant to heat a whole household by themselves, but regardless, they do supply excellent heat plus they do not cause our electric bill to spike actually much.