I told him to find me a new furnace.

For the last six months, we have been having trouble with our furnace. I’m not sure if there is something wrong with the furnace, or if it is something the HVAC technician is doing. I just know that I am tired of paying him for all of these service calls. I have had the HVAC technician to the house, for a total of seven times in six months. Each service call cost me a minimum of $100. I knew I had to change how things were going. I made the decision that the next time I had to call the HvAC company, I was going to call a different HVAC company. This way I would have a different HVAC technician and a different diagnosis. Two weeks later, I got my opportunity to call the HVAC company. I chose an HVAC company that was outside of town. Unfortunately, they didn’t travel this far. There was only one other HVAC company in the area, and they weren’t looking to take on new customers. I told them I just wanted to have my furnace inspected. They sent a young technician out to the house, and he told me that he would recommend I just get a new furnace. He said that it was just going to nickel and dime me until it just quit working. I paid him for his opinion and thanked him. I called the HVAC company and told them that I didn’t want repairs, I only wanted a new furnace for my house. The man started to argue, but I reminded him it was my house and my decision.

oil heater