I thought my dog was going to die

Our dog loves to go for long walks.

Well, recently we have been facing a heatwave and still our dog has insisted on going for lengthy walks in the brutal heat.

I just wanted to get back to the comfort of the air conditioning, but of course the dog didn’t want to go back. He seemed like a real champ out there until just yesterday when we had a bit of a scare. He started acting funny like it was hard to walk, hard to breathe, and he seemed like he might collapse. When he was suddenly not able to walk any further, I picked him up and rushed back to the house as fast as I could. I put ice-cold water in a dish in front of him and he drank a little bit and rested on the floor next to the HVAC vent. The A/C system was really cranking and I was concerned about our dog. I thought that he was having a heat stroke and I told him he shouldn’t have insisted that we stay outside in the brutal heat for so long. Well, when he was feeling a little better, I took him to the vet to see that he was okay. I explained the situation and what happened and the Veterinarian said that I made all the right moves. She said to just keep him hydrated and keep a close eye on him. She also said no matter how much he wants to be outside, make sure he doesn’t stay out there for too long. Well, of course I’m going to take good care of him, he’s my best buddy! He really scared me.

a/c install