I made the dumbest mistake the other day. My gas gas furnace just would not turn on. I freaked out and learn online about oil furnace concerns. I learn that if a oil furnace does not turn on, something major must be wrong. It means the oil furnace overheated and then quit. It also could mean the oil furnace has a large section that is malfunctioning. I instantly called my local Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C supplier to come in and make this fancy oil furnace repair. I was prepared for almost a $400 bill for the gas furnace. I was all set to do what it took to have quality heating. A section of me was upset and anticipating having to buy another gas furnace system. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C professional did not even look at my gas furnace. He instantly went over to my temperature control and evaluated it. He took the temperature control apart and then told me my batteries were dead. I thought that surely could not be the issue. After replacing the batteries, the oil furnace turned on just fine. The oil furnace did not make any upsetting sounds or threaten to turn off. It was just batteries in the temperature control that was the problem. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C guy charged me $100 for that issue. He charged me for the time he spent getting to my house and his labor. Changing batteries is considered labor? I was entirely peeved after paying that bill. I am never going to make this mistake again. Not only was it a extravagant one, although I felt love such an idiot in front of my Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C professional.