I really need to consult the pro

It takes a train full of people suffering from the flu for me to get so much as a scratchy nose. I’ve always been this way, where I have this super immune system plus don’t ever get sick! However, I suppose bragging about our awesome immunity has proven to be a foolish decision. As if fate was tempting me the whole time, I recently came down with the flu for the first time in our adult life. I could not believe how awful I felt – I easily thought I was dying! The aches, the fever, the running nose plus cough were all a pain to deal with, however the worst space was the chills. I would shake violently from how chilly I was, plus it seemed there was nothing I could do to service it. The only relief I found was from kneeling on the floor of our living room, which had radiant radiant floors installed as of last Winter season. The radiant radiant floors generate heat using a sizzling water connection to the boiler system I have in our house, plus that heat then rises up naturally to sizzling the entire home in a steady, gradual pace. Anyway, kneeling on the ground with more than one blankets covering me was the only way I could get any relief from the chills! I was so thankful when I finally overcame the sickness a few afternoons later, never again would I brag about our awesome immune system – not publicly, at least!

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