I need new ductwork. These old ducts are ruining our ceiling!

I do not know what the deal is, but the air filter in our central heating as well as A/C system system keeps falling out! I guess the grate is loose or something. I have messed with it plus looked at it but I can not figure out how to tighten the grate of the central heating as well as A/C system system’s air filter spot. It is love every single day of the month the air filter is falling out at some point. Today I finally had enough of this plus I went plus put some duct tape on the grate of the central heating as well as A/C system system’s air filter spot. This will at least hold the air filter in locale so it works with our central heating as well as A/C system system until I can figure out what to do! I had toyed with the proposal of just calling the local heating as well as A/C system supplier to send out a certified heat plus cooling system specialist to take a look at this plus maintenance it. But I am not sure if something love this would be a task for a heat plus cooling system worker. I would guess that it may be more a handyman category thing. However, I guess I may provide it a shot when I have some time to call a local heating plus cooling specialist just to see if this is something they can maintenance without charging me a small advantage to do so; Otherwise, I will just keep the duct tape thing going plus re-tape it every single time that I need to.

Heat pump repair