I love my air conditioned indoors!

It is oppressively hot living in the south.

Anyone who lives here will tell you how challenging it is to do anything outdoors.

Advertisements love to show you glad people doing all kinds of fun activities down here however that’s just a bunch of hogwash. It is impossible to have fun outdoors in this kind of heat. Any local will tell you as much. I do not even love walking my pet except in the 2 Wintertide weeks the two of us are allotted each year, despite this, she has to go out and walk off a little energy year around. That’s when I become absolutely grateful for The air conditioning plan is good at motivating me to do what needs to be done because I think that there will be cool air awaiting me when I get back; No matter how hot and covered in sweat I get outside, it is consistently cool and comfortable inside. Of course, the pet does not care at all about the heat, she seems to be immune to it. Or maybe that’s just a facade she puts on because even she will come inside and sit near an air conditioning vents after being outside for a few minutes too. I for one would love to stay inside and just study or watch TV. I would not go outside at all, in the Summer heat, if I had my way. I would never leave the comfort of my But, as a functioning adult, this just is not possible. At least my air conditioning is there for me when I get back.

ductless HVAC