I hate to look like I am 65 years old.
Maybe that’s vain, but I still want to look good when I walk down the street.
Lately I have been thinking about getting PRP treatments, then platelet rich plasma treatments come from your own blood and it is a honestly natural way to treat the aging process, but a honestly small amount of blood is drawn and then platelets are separated from the blood, then these platelet-rich plasma treatments can help stimulate the production of collagen. PRP can rejuvenate skin and give your skin a firm and useful appearance, and i went to a healthcare expert to talk with a specialist about PRP treatments. I left the healthcare expert’s office feeling more confused than I was when I began the process. I do not know if the PRP treatments are right for me, but I will still continue to get anti-wrinkle Botox injections. I usually go to the center every other month for a touch up. The last time I was at the center, I ran into someone that attended my graduating class and she did not know me. I had to remind her that my friend and I were both on the varsity dance team and she said it was ages ago, she told me that I looked like I was 40 years outdated and that made me feel great. I do not know what it is about looking young, but I want to continue to look good as long as I possibly can. I’m likely going to try any type of anti-aging treatment that is minimally invasive and can improve the elasticity and texture of my skin.
Anti-sweat injectables