Never let your ego write checks that your body can’t currency. You’d think that only a particular kind of a fool would make such a pig headed mistake, but some of us have a strenuous time learning from observing – we have to experience failure to easily learn from it! That’s the case for myself and others at least. See, earlier this week I decided I would go ahead plus pick up a christmas tree for my husband to keep in our home. When I drove out to pick up the tree, I happily told the tree farm attendant that I could pick up the tree myself plus toss it into the bed of my pickup truck. Well, my ego got the best of me! I felt 2 strange tendons in my body tighten up through my back as soon as the tree left my hands plus fell into the truck bed. As I got back into my truck, plus kept pretending that I was not in bad pain, I turned on the heated seats to help relax my back. I also turned on the electric heating program for the truck cabin, plus relaxed as the air quality changed from wet plus chilly to a dry heat that helped to soothe my aching body. The warmth from the electric heating program made myself and others think I was forgetting something, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it could be, then dismissing the feeling, I drove back home, only to find a note on my front door. As it turns out, I had forgotten that this was the 1 afternoon my husband needed myself and others to stay home, plus make sure I let the heating, ventilation plus air conditioner repair worker into the home to repair our gas furnace! The note read that no 1 was home, so we would need to call the heating, ventilation plus air conditioner supplier to schedule a new appointment! My husband wasn’t too glad with me, plus surprising his with a tree genuinely didn’t help his forget that the heating program was still out of commission!