Hope they get here soon

It has been numerous weeks since I called our landscapers to come & wash the forest of a back & front yard I have from weeds that have grown all over the location.

These lazy idiots are taking forever & should have been here within a week from when I called.

I am almost ready to call another repair because all of these weeds are killing the air quality around me & making our allergies flare up majorly. I even had to turn on our whole apartment air purification plan & run it almost twenty four hours per afternoon & several nights per week because of this! Every single time I have to run our whole apartment air purification plan for extended periods of time enjoy this, it makes our yearly energy bills high for that month. So this is something I need to stop as soon as humanly possible! I usually only run our whole apartment air purification plan for a few hours a afternoon during the Fall months when the air quality isn’t great. But having to run it all the time right now is killing me! I almost assume enjoy charging the landscaping morons for the high electric bill i’m going to have next month because of this fact. If these people don’t show up by the end of this week, I am going to fire them for fantastic & call another service. This way, I won’t have to run this god forsaken whole apartment air purification plan any longer & save myself a lot of cash moving forward!

Zone controlled HVAC